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Hack Via Wapka Phishing

What is phishing? 

Typically a victim receives a message that appears to have been sent by a known contact or organization. An attachment or links in the message may install malware on the user’s device or direct them to a malicious website set up to trick them into divulging personal and financial information, such as passwords, account IDs or credit card details. Phishing is a homophone of fishing, which involves using lures to catch fish.

Phishing is popular with cybercriminals, as it is far easier to trick someone into clicking a malicious link in a seemingly legitimate email than trying to break through a computer’s defenses. Although some phishing emails are poorly written and clearly fake, sophisticated cybercriminals employ the techniques of professional marketers to identify the most effective types of messages --  the phishing "hooks" that get the highest "open" or click through rate and the Facebook posts that generate the most likes. Phishing campaigns are often built around the year's major events, holidays and anniversaries, or take advantage of breaking news stories, both true and fictitious.

To make phishing messages look like they are genuinely from a well-known company, they include logos and other identifying information taken directly from that company’s website. The malicious links within the body of the message are designed to make it appear that they go to the spoofed organization. The use of subdomains and misspelled URLs (typosquatting) are common tricks, as is homograph spoofing -- URLs created using different logical characters to read exactly like a trusted domain. Some phishing scams use JavaScript to place a picture of a legitimate URL over a browser’s address bar. The URL revealed by hovering over an embedded link can also be changed by using JavaScript.

Disclaimer: My dear visitors this article is just for the sake of education so please do not use this method to hack into someone’s account hacking is an illegal activity.

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Step 1: Of course you need a wapka account, so register a new Wapka account or login with your existing account.

Step 2: Now create a new site, it is recommended don't use any existing site, because existing phishing link won't let victim to believe in your site. So create a new site with tempting url.

Then click on Manage.

Step 3: Now you have 2 modes available (admin mode and user mode), Click on Admin mode.

Step 4: As you click on Admin mode you redirects to a Blank page. It’s blank because till now you did nothing with your newly created site. You need to add codes in your site.

At the Lower right most corner you have a link ::EDIT SITE(#):: click on it.

 Step 5: Now click on (WML/XHTML code).

Step 6:  Copy all the coc phishing code and paste it into (WML/XHTML code) box and click on Submit button.

Step 7: It’s all over now send your site link which was created at Step 2 to your victim. Since most never believe on those sites which are ending at .wapka. So you need to short this link and send shorted link to your victim.

As your victim login to your page his/her E-mail and Password sends to your E-mail by which you have created your account at wapka at first step. Now you’ve your victim's email and his village.

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